Friday, October 19, 2007

Kettlebell Training for Combat Athletes

I really love this video. It just goes to show the variety and broad applications that kettlebell training offers combat athletes.

Of course, there is always the debate that you should focus your efforts on a few select and very effective kettlebell training exercises such as Long -Cycle Clean & Jerks, one - arm Snatches and perhaps Kettlebell Turkish Get-ups. The theory is to go deeper into your conditioning and not wider by adding silly sport specific exercises to the mix. Get in better condition through kettlebell training and get better at your sport by spending more time in that sport, actually working on the skills needed to excel.I tend to agree with the former. However, different coaches and athletes don't always share the same experiences and are successful with their training plans.

You have to be able to justify why or why not something is in your plan and go from there, trial and error.

Below is a very cool video of some combat sport kettlebell drills. Enjoy.

If you'd like to learn more about Kettleebll Training for Combat Sports Click Here.

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